Tuesday, December 26, 2017

10 Methods That Can Help You Open the Car If You Locked Your Keys Inside

If you have ever lost your keys or locked them inside the car, you know how hard and stressful it can be trying to get your door open.

So how would you open your car door without a key? Bright Side found a few workarounds to help you get back in when you’re locked out.

To read more about this informative article go to

Source Article: 10 Methods That Can Help You Open the Car If You Locked Your Keys Inside

Related Article: Secure Your House with Best Security System Offered by Locksmiths 

If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to avail the services of a reputable locksmith please visit Locksmith Ellisville

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Problems with transponder keys

Is your transponder key giving you problems? While not common, issues with these specialized car keys are not unknown. Transponder keys come with many benefits that far outweigh the problems but once in a while something happens that almost makes you wish for the “old days” before transponder keys were even around! Here at Locksmith Ellisville, we offer professional help to our local customers with their transponder keys. If you live in the area, call us. If you are not in Ellisville, MO and need any kind of assistance with your keys, call a full service, automotive locksmith near you. Your transponder keys will work better, last longer, and keep your car convenient, safe and burglar free!

So what are transponder keys and do I have one?
How old is your car? If it’s 1990 or older you probably don’t have transponder keys but “regular” car keys. These keys were lighter, simpler to make and so easy to duplicate. That was their problem; too easy to copy made things too easy to steal your car! After 1990 auto manufacturers started making it harder for car thieves to steal your car by making transponder keys that were larger, heavier and that included a computer chip embedded in the key’s head. This chip was programmed to match the onboard computer in your car. When you turn the key in the ignition, a signal is sent to the vehicle and if it matches and is recognized, the car starts. Another transponder key with a different chip in it will not give a signal that matches and the car will not start. See the advantage? Now, do you appreciate your transponder keys a little more?

What problems?
There are pros and cons to everything; transponder keys included. This post will outline a few of them. The most common ones are lost keys and key breakage. Also included with problems are missing computer chips and wrong key insertions. Let’s take missing chips first. Do you toss your car keys on the table or counter at times? Of course you do; who doesn’t? Most times, this action alone is not enough to dislodge your key’s computer chip but further rough housing like throwing keys, dropping them on pavement and using your key ring as a boy scout tool can certainly cause an embedded chip to fall out. This little known phenomenon is also complicated by the fact that fallen keys are most often simply picked up and no search is made for the missing chip. By the time it is realized that the chip is missing, it’s too late.

Key breakage
How can a sturdy, metal key break? It happens and more often than folks realize. Keys are often used to rip things, puncture items, open boxes, even pop open bottles! The fact that transponder keys have a large, rounded head for a handle and a jagged blade for cutting and ripping makes them the perfect, portable tool for handyman and MacGyver type repairs. Unfortunately, this type of action can be rough on keys and they sometimes break in the process. Another instance of key breakage is when the key gets stuck in the lock and won’t budge. It’s easy to panic during these circumstances and applying a little too much force can result in a breakage. This of course, further complicates things as now you need new keys AND key extraction services! Using worn or damaged keys can make them stick and so can using the wrong key! In work places or households where everyone has transponder keys, it’s easy to grab the wrong one by mistake and often these will go in and not come back out!

Missing keys
This is a common one. Sometimes car keys go missing. This could be due to theft, human error, forgetfulness, even dogs and kids can be the culprit! One of the most common items in lost and found bins is keys. Unlike janitors that have keys secured on a belt most of us simply put keys in our pockets where they can fall out and become lost quite easily. Purses and handbags often contain keys but these too can be stolen, forgotten about and misplaced; keys and all. One easy and very workable way to cut down on lost keys is develop the habit of putting your keys in a dedicated place each time you use them. This place can be a drawer or wall key rack when at home. It could be in a locker or locked cabinet when at work. The place is really up to you as you know what you feel comfortable with. The key (pun intended) is to always use the same place as repetition helps to make good habits. Pretty soon, you’ll just automatically reach for your keys in the right place when you need them; after all, you put them there in the first place.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Locksmith Ellisville: Keyless Entry System Benefits

Keyless entry systems are a becoming more and more popular in commercial properties but also at residential properties. You can find keyless entry systems at so many different places – hospitals, on vehicles, at homes, offices and more. If there is a building that sees a great deal of foot traffic, or even cars that come in and out, you can expect that there is some sort of keyless entry system.

So, why is keyless entry becoming so popular? Isn’t it easier to just carry around a key? The reason behind the popularity of keyless entry systems is that there are many security benefits that come along with having them in place. First and foremost, you don’t have to worry about losing your key. Losing a key is more than just an annoyance to the person unable to find it – it can be a threat to your security. Just imagine if the key ended up in the wrong hands. Having keyless entry means that you don’t have to worry about misplacing your keys. The only thing you have to worry about is remembering a code, or remembering to carry your key card – whatever it is that you use to access your property. In addition to not having to worry about misplacing a key, you don’t have to worry about changing out your locks if you happen to have people who rent from you and end up moving out, or if you happen to have an employee leave. Having keyless entry saves a step!

As mentioned, there are different options available when it comes to keyless entry systems. You might use a key card to get in; perhaps you will end up using a fingerprint (places such as the Walt Disney World Resort now use a physical card and a fingerprint system to allow guests entry to the theme park, for example. In some cases, guests can even use wristbands that provide entry to the theme parks). These are just a couple of different types of keyless entry methods. If you are trying to figure out which system would work best for you, it would be a wise idea to talk with a locksmith. Locksmith Ellisville in Ellisville, MO is available to talk with customers in the local area about the different variations of keyless entry systems. Consultations are offered free of charge, as is the case with many locksmith providers. So it is a great idea to do your research and find an expert in your local area, as browsing online for keyless entry options could end up proving to be quite overwhelming. An expert will be able to narrow down options based off personal preferences, needs, wants and budget.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Benefits of Keyless Entry Systems for Your Business

If you own a business, you likely have valuable information, inventory and capital on-site. If you want to make sure that only specific, screened workers have access to these items, it may be wise to install a keyless entry system in Louisville, KY. However, if you are unsure whether or not this type of technology is right for you, learn about some of the most appealing benefits it offers here.

Increased Security

Using traditional keys can present a serious level of risk. They can be misplaced, stolen and fall into the hands of individuals who should not have access to your business’s sensitive information. However, when you install a keyless entry system in Louisville, KY, you can simply deactivate any cards or badges that have been lost or stolen. This provides you with peace of mind that only the workers you have approved have access to your company’s sensitive or valuable information and items.

To read more about this informative article go to

Source Article: Benefits of Keyless Entry Systems for Your Business


If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to avail the services of a reputable locksmith please visit Locksmith Ellisville